• vor 2 Jahren
Year (Jahr): 2019
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2019-04-12
Duration (Spieldauer): 92 min
Country (Land): Canada
Original language (Original-Sprache): English
TMDB: 5.897

STOCKHOLM is based on the absurd but true story of a 1973 bank heist and hostage crisis documented in the 1974 New Yorker article “The Bank Drama” by Daniel Lang. The film follows Lars Nystrom, who dons a disguise to raid a central Stockholm bank. He then takes hostages in order to spring his pal Gunnar from prison. One of the hostages includes Bianca, a wife and mother of two. Negotiations with detectives hits a wall when the police refuse to let Lars leave in a getaway car with the hostages. As hours turn into days, Lars alternates between threatening the hostages and making them feel comfortable and secure. The hostages develop an uneasy relationship with their captor, which is particularly complex for Bianca, who develops a strong bond with Lars as she witnesses his caring nature. This connection gave rise to the psychological phenomenon known as “Stockholm syndrome”.
Im Stockholm des Jahres 1973 überfällt Jan-Erik Olsson eine der größten Banken in Schwedens Hauptstadt und nimmt mehrere Geiseln. Doch als die Gefangenen wieder auf freiem Fuß sind, will keiner von ihnen gegen den eigenen Kidnapper aussagen.

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