• 2 years ago
Eugene Borg knows that Satan has dark, sinister and evil plans for his young son Tyler Catlin Borg. Even as a young child, Tyler veered toward the mischievous. When Tyler was older, he penned death threats against his parents. Eugene spends the subsequent years, especially through Tyler's teenage years, battling the demons he believes plague his child Tyler. A shock comes that proves Eugene may have forever lost the war for his son's soul. On December 22, 2018, Tyler Borg lures Justin Adrian Kiernan to his location, via text messages, and murders him. Justin Kiernan had been having an affair with Caroline, Tyler's wife of three years. Kiernan was her former boyfriend. The text messages that Tyler sent had been sent via Caroline's mobile phone, and they successfully set the death trap for Kiernan. In the end, on September 3, 2021, Tyler was convicted of first degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.


