• 3 years ago
Pinjra is an exceptional drama with a story that discusses the idea of sibling rivalry and mistrust between the parents and their children.
It’s important to communicate with your child…
To talk to your child…
And to understand your child…

Writer: Asma Nabeel
Director: Najaf Bilgrami

Hadiqa Kiani,
Omair Rana,
Sunita Marshall,
Aashir Wajahat,
Aina Asif,
Ahmed Usman,
Zuhab Khan ,
Emaan khan.

#Pinjra #سمجھیں_اپنےبچوں_کو #arydigital
#hadiqaKiani #omairrana #sunitamarshall #aashirwajahat #ainaasif #ahmedusman

