• 3 years ago
MIRACLE BABY - A teenage mum gave birth to a tot believed to be the UK's smallest premature baby
Published: 07/01/2022 11:57 a.m.

SWSCbaby - by Sarah Ward

A teenage mum gave birth to a tot believed to be the UK's smallest premature baby in 20 years.

Ellie Paton, 17, was warned baby Hannah Stibbles might not survive due to her tiny size after she had a C-section at 25 weeks pregnant.

Tiny Hannah, who weighed just 325g (11oz) at birth, is thought to be the smallest baby to survive in the UK in the past 19 years, and was given a 20 per cent chance of pulling through by doctors.

She was born on December 30 by emergency C-section, after her parents were warned by medics 'babies that small don't survive' - but was strong enough to breath by herself.

Ellie and partner Brandon Stibbles, 21, were warned at a 22-week scan that their baby the size of a 16-week foetus, and pre-eclampsyia was diagnosed at Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire.

No date for a C-section was penciled in as one could be needed at any time, but on December 29 Ellie woke up with excruciating stomach and chest pains and was rushed to Crosshouse Hospital around 11am.

She was sent to QEUH around 7pm and Hannah was born by emergency C-section just after 1am on December 30.

The couple had to spend New Year's Eve apart while Brandon, who works as a labourer, stayed in a nearby Travelodge, where they are living for the foreseeable future.

Ellie has got to hold Hannah briefly once, and Brandon got to change the tot's nappy - while she grabbed his finger in a white-knuckle fist.

The 'sassy' baby is given bubble wrap to keep her warm as it is lighter than a blanket but is always kicking it off in her incubator.

Both parents said Hannah is 'the best thing to ever happen to them' and they can't wait to get her home to Newmilns, Ayrshire - but that may not be until her due date, on April 13.

When she tips the scales at 500g Hannah will be moved to Crosshouse Hospital, but that could be two months away - although she has gained 25g since being out the womb.

The UK's smallest baby before Hannah was Aaliyah Hart who was born weighing 12oz in 2003.

Ellie said: "It was just scary all the time.

"I had gone in just for a scan and ended up with high blood pressure, they sent me the QEUH and I was there for two days while my blood pressure sorted itself out.

"I went home and thought everything was OK, the next morning I woke up with excruciating pain in my chest and stomach and had to go in the next day.

"They said I was going to be having a C-section but there was no plan, it could happen at any time."

The couple, who have been together nearly 18 months, had hoped to be able to hold Hannah by now but are living for that moment.

Ellie said: "We are allowed to put our hands in the incubator, I have held her once - she sleeps on a thing called 'the nest'.

"When the nurse changed it I got to hold her up.

"It will be pretty soon we're able to hold her."

Brandon added:


