• 4 years ago
EUROPA from Palm Bay, Florida is a Trad Goth makeup artist whose unique looks takes about two hours to achieve every day. Speaking to Truly, Europa explained: “Having a goth style is a pretty big part of my life. It is like an art form, and I’ll probably be looking like this until I’m 80 years old." Europa has been dressing alternatively since her childhood, after getting her first piercing at the age of 14. And her distinct look doesn’t go unnoticed, Europa continued: “I absolutely stick out in my local town. This lady said 'OMG your voice is so sweet and kind, I thought you were going to say you would kill me!'" Today, Europa will be getting a dramatic makeover and surprising her boyfriend who has never seen her any other way…. What will the couple think of the new look? https://www.tiktok.com/@jupitersicymoon? https://www.instagram.com/jupitersicymoon/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LphMzeO0RoFfTk0iXHoEg/featured


