• vor 16 Jahren
Un match fou,fou de haute qualite


Disney (Walt)
Procter & Gamble Action - Always - Ariel - Biactol - Bonux - Bounty - Camay - Clearasil - Crest - Dash - Flash - Head & Shoulders - Mr. Propre - Oil of Olaz - Pampers - Pantene Pro-V - Petrole
Hahn - Pringles - Roger Cavailles - Sunny Delight - Tampax - Viakal - Vidal Sassoon - Vizir - Yes - Zest ...

Coca Cola Co. et Pepsi Co ( Pay Every Penny to Save Israel ).

Automobile: Chevrolet - GMC - Ford - Cadillac - Hammer - Jeep ....

Aquarius - Cherry Coke - Coca Cola - Fanta - Mix Minute Maid - Nestea - Sprite - Tropical - ...

Sara Lee Corp. : Bénénuts - Bravo - Chesterfield - Cochonou - Maison du Café
Monsavon - Playtex - Sanex - Brossard - Justin Bridou - Jambon Aoste - Dim - Chesterfield - Cacharel -

KraftFoods International : Champion - Wonderbra - Adams - Kiwi - Catch - Vapona - Williams - eau de toilette Savane...

Suchard - Carambar - Carte Noire - Côte d'or - Daim - Grand'Mère - Jacques Vabre - Kiss Cool - Kréma - La Vosgienne - Lila Pause - Malabar - Milka - Polo - Stimorol - Suchard - Velours Noir ...
KODAK Compaq IBM Gateway Dell Apple Hewlett-Packard Motorola Levi Strauss Calvin Klein
Lou Celio Marks et spencer Tati Nike Reebok Columbia

Colgate-Palmolive : Axion - Cadum - Cleopatra - Colgate - Gama - La Croix - Mennen - Palmolive - Soupline - Tahiti Douche - Tonigencyl - Ultra Brite - ajax


