• 4 years ago
Former French President Sarkozy , Convicted of Corruption,
Sentenced to Jail .
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, 66,
was sentenced to a year in prison on Monday.
He was convicted of charges of the attempted
bribery of a French judge in order to receive
information about a case in which he was involved.
The corruption conviction of a French president
is the nation's first in modern history.
Sarkozy's lawyers will appeal the ruling.
The former president will remain free
throughout the appeals precess.
The case is the result of a series of secret phone calls
made in 2014 in which he committed to helping
a magistrate move up in his career.
in exchange for leaked information regarding
a separate investigation concerning
his presidential campaign financing.
Sarkozy was the
president of France
from 2007 until 2012


