• il y a 4 ans
Invited Talk: “The hidden color of the Ocean’s pollution”, Jean-Ronan Le Pen, journalist and activist for the protection of the ocean.
Jean-Ronan Le Pen is a journalist andenvironmental activist for the protection of theOcean. After ten years in media groups (Les Echosand Ouest France) on maritime activities, heparticipated in the creation for the COP21 andcoordinated the Ocean and Climate Platform(www.ocean-climate.org) bringing together NGOsand scientists with the aim of to raise awareness andwarn about the need to protect the Ocean and theclimate. This international mobilization resulted in theintegration of the Ocean into the Paris climateagreement and a IPCC special report on the Ocean. In 2017, he co-founded the ZEA association(www.zea.earth). Its objective is to have the Oceanrecognized as a Common to fight against itspollution, its colonization by States and itsexploitation by extractive industries (oil&gas,minerals, etc.).One of the association’s campaigns focuses on the fight against historic red mud pollution in theMediterraneanhttps://www.facebook.com/


