• 5 years ago
Background: Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection"

Slides from video: https://aapsonline.org/mccullough-protocol-3-page.pdf

-Focus on Early Phase Treatment BEFORE the Hospital Stage
The KEY to overcoming the Pandemic

He introduces the 1st PEER Reviewed Published Algorithm for an Outpatient Physician or Advanced Practitioner (basically our Doctors) to Manage Covid19 in the outpatient realm.

ANYONE with confirmed symptoms or diagnosis of COvid19 need to take High Dose Zinc Sulfate 220 mg per day 5-30 days

High Risk Patients 50 years or higher and or with Co-Morbidity need to take 2 or more antiviral Agents 5-30 days
3 Antiviral Agents are covered

1.0 HCQ 200 mg Twice a Day + AZM 250mg per day twice per day or Doxy 100mg per day
"HCQ is the most proven and when administered early (with Zinc) 100% of studies show its efficacy"

2.0 Ivermectin 6-12mg per day (depending on Body weight) 1-3 times per day

3.0 Favipiravir 600mg twice per day - approved for use in 30 countries doing much better than the US in the fight against COvid19

If there are respiratory Symptoms or it is beyond 5th Day of Illness - the recommendation is Cortical Steroids
-Here the recommendation is Prednisone 1mg/kg for 5 days


WE CAN NOT WAIT for the NIH, the CDC, the USFDA or Guidelines Committees to tell us what to do they rely on randomized trials that will take 2-4 years to complete and many of them have NO TRACK RECORD in advising doctors on what to do."

Key People involved in the Australian Obstruction of Medication (HCQ) are
Associate Professor Julian Elliot - Heading the The Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce

Adjunct Professor John Skerritt "having direct responsibility for both the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Office of Drug Control"
see: https://www.tga.gov.au/prof-john-skerritt

Jan Fizzell - Medical Advisor - Population Health - NSW

The excuse of "we are only following Dr Fauci and the FDA" won't save you - you have and had a duty of care to do the research into the actual clinical evidence available and the now more than 130 studies available.

See: https://c19study.com/

See: http://covexit.com/

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ
Please then post it to your facebook from the petition page

The above is now a Published set of recommendation - something any "Medical Experts" assigned the task of advising government have a duty of care and professional responsibility to review and know back the front.
