• 5 years ago
This is the bizarre moment two elephants swayed from side-to-side while being transported in the back of a truck.

The jumbos were both chained up and loaded into the back of the vehicle in Ratchaburi, central Thailand, on July 31.

They then began moving together, which caused the lorry to wobble dangerously as it drove along the highway.

Motorist Chom Worajarubavonsin was travelling behind the truck with her family when she recorded the elephants.

She said the elephants ''looked cute'' but others raised concerns that the pair could be in distress.

One viewer, Kannika, said: ''The elephants look like they are uncomfortable and don't want to be in that position.''

Another local, Gommaton, added : ''I'm not sure if they're playing or they're stressed.''

Thailand has an estimated 2,000 elephants living in the wild and a similar number in captivity. Many are used at zoos, sanctuaries or kept for religious processions and celebrations such as weddings.

The coronavirus pandemic has seen many elephant centres that relied on tourism now releasing their animals or handing them over to rehabilitation facilities.
