No dia 7 de Agosto de 2008, durante um assalto a um banco em Lisboa, o Grupo de Operações Especiais foi uma vez mais chamado para lidar com dois assaltantes que tinham feito 6 reféns. Após várias horas em tentativas de negociação sem sucesso, o GOE foi obrigado a intervir baleando mortalmente um dos sequestradores por uma equipa de snipers e deixando o outro gravemente ferido. Todos os reféns saíram ilesos.
On August 7, 2008, during a robbery at a bank in Lisbon, the Special Operations Group was once again called to deal with two robbers who had made 6 hostages. After several hours of unsuccessful attempts at negotiation, the GOE was forced to intervene shooting one of the robbers dead by a team of Snipers and leaving the other seriously wounded. All the hostages came out unharmed.
On August 7, 2008, during a robbery at a bank in Lisbon, the Special Operations Group was once again called to deal with two robbers who had made 6 hostages. After several hours of unsuccessful attempts at negotiation, the GOE was forced to intervene shooting one of the robbers dead by a team of Snipers and leaving the other seriously wounded. All the hostages came out unharmed.