• 6 years ago
BEIJING — One of China's largest prisons is almost finished installing an AI system that will keep prisoners in check 24/7, reports the South China Morning Post.

China's Yancheng Prison will be using an AI system connected to a network of cameras and sensors that will track inmates' movements and behavior. The system will alarm guards if it detects unusual activities.

The cameras and sensors will use facial recognition technology and movement analysis to monitor prisoners. Daily movements will be sent as a report and stored in the AI system.

One of the developers of the system told the SCMP that it can track the activity of multiple individuals without the assistance of a human guard, no matter the size of the prison's population.

Chinese experts think the AI network will make prison escapes harder because even if prisoners are able to bypass human guards, they will not be able to evade the AI surveillance system.

Having prisoners in an AI-controlled panopticon may sound like a good idea but it also has some ethical downsides. According to Psychology Today, being under mass surveillance raises levels of anxiety and stress among those being observed.


