• 7 years ago
Check out this classic nursery tale!\r
Three anthropomorphic bears – a Little, Small, Wee Bear, a Middle-sized Bear, and a Great, Huge Bear – live together in a house in the woods. Southey describes them as very good-natured, trusting, harmless, tidy, and hospitable. Each of these bachelor bears has his own porridge bowl, chair, and bed. One day they take a walk in the woods while their porridge cools. An old woman approaches the bears house. She is described at various points in the story as impudent, bad, foul-mouthed, ugly, dirty and a vagrant deserving of a stint in the House of Correction. She looks through a window, peeps through the keyhole, and lifts the latch. Assured that no one is home, she walks in. The old woman eats the Wee Bears porridge, then settles into his chair and breaks it. Prowling about, she finds the bears beds and falls asleep in Wee Bears bed. The climax of the tale is reached when the bears return. Wee Bear finds the old woman in his bed and cries, Somebody has been lying in my bed, – and here she is! The old woman starts up, jumps from the window, and runs away never to be seen again.


