• 7 years ago
Our very own Jungli billi is killing bit time in hollywood and how ? Well she performed on hit songs on deseased singer song writer and musician Prince who once upon a time ruled the music charts.One knows Prince passed away on april 21st at the age of 57 leaving everyone shell shocked. The event was oragnised by ABC Channel to pay tribute to PRINCE at the lincoln centre, Newyork. Peecee stole away many hearts as she hit the stage in a Red outfit with black stockings and hummed on the famous song KISS also shook a leg down the aile with Miles who did his best impression of the musician Prince. Looked every bit sizzling and as always energetic with her performance. She's currently wrapping up with her hollywood debut movie Baywatch.We are sure Peecee has added more fans to her list after this tribute to Prince. Way to go peecee !


