• hace 17 años
A social circus arrives by bus to the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado. There, they met some people who did not want to be involve in the conflict that Colombia is having. They believe all those who are killing are wrong. In 1997 they declared Community of Peace and since then the armed actors have killed to more than one third of their population. But they are ready to defend the peace up to the last consequences.

There are no ways for the peace, the peace is the way. (Mahatma Gandhi)

The Circo de la ReVuelta travelled for different communities of Colombia, sharing smiles.

Original Songs:
A pesar de tanto gris, Orlando Vázquez and Luz Marina Posada (Colombia).
Sana, Joni Botas.
Yo me quedo en Colombia, Marc Florencio.
San Josecito, Laia dels Vents.

Registed en Estudios CreArte por Dani Royo and mastered at FEEDBACK Studios by César J. de Cisneros.

Testimonies: Manuel Osorno, Amanda Usuga, Padre Javier Giraldo, Francisco Ramírez, Brígida González.

Writed and directed by Octavi Royo
Produced by Korovo Films
Edited: Estudios Korovo Films
songs effects: El Arte de Volar
Audio Director: Dani Royo
Voice: Joan Garcia
Graphic design: Fernando Florit
Ayudante de documentación: Julián Waisbord
Translation Angela Perkin, Carles Ribas and Sally Watter

Format: HDV
Year: 2008
Duration: 30'

with the participation of Lococirco de la Vida, Can Xalant Centro de Creación y Pensamiento Contemporáneo de Mataró, Video Combativo, Ajuntament de Vilassar de Mar, A.M.B.I.B., Manchamanu Títeres, Fundación Caipora, ReVuelta Colombia, Fundación Acompaz.

