1st extract from our solo-interview with Ken Ishii
►full-video-series coming in june on http://intruders.tv/
| follow/support us: https://twitter.com/Intruders_TV ▲ https://www.facebook.com/intruderstv
https://twitter.com/K_Ishii_70Drums ▲ https://www.facebook.com/kenishiiofficial
| Production Unit:
Lanto Ratsimbazafy (interviewer/producer) + Guillaume Sigried (production assistant)
| Special Thanx to Aya Soejima for hosting
while Tokyo Hit party @ Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris
https://twitter.com/MCJP_officiel ▲ https://www.facebook.com/MCJP.officiel/
| Press Contact: Fred @ Deep Art Agency
►full-video-series coming in june on http://intruders.tv/
| follow/support us: https://twitter.com/Intruders_TV ▲ https://www.facebook.com/intruderstv
https://twitter.com/K_Ishii_70Drums ▲ https://www.facebook.com/kenishiiofficial
| Production Unit:
Lanto Ratsimbazafy (interviewer/producer) + Guillaume Sigried (production assistant)
| Special Thanx to Aya Soejima for hosting
while Tokyo Hit party @ Maison de la Culture du Japon à Paris
https://twitter.com/MCJP_officiel ▲ https://www.facebook.com/MCJP.officiel/
| Press Contact: Fred @ Deep Art Agency