• il y a 17 ans
by bullets4jesus

voici les paroles (c trop long pr les incorporer ds le descriptif, donc y'aurra une partie ds les commentaires... mais ça en vaut l'coup !!!!)

enjoy !!!!!!!!!

1) it may have started with the Easter Bunny
or St. Nicolas even more ridiculous the Tooth Fairy
From there we're forced to recite the pledge - Hail Mary
One nation under god? Why us?
Don't question son you'll burn in hell
Pay attention to the lies that we're told to tell
Teacher teaches us Columbus was a hero -- he stole lands
He stole lives of so called Indians
From the Tainos to the Africans -- respect Thomas Jefferson?
he molested Sally Hemmings
And now they say Regan was a great man
The godfather of Crack Babies -- denier of the AIDS plague
I ran fast as I could to the library
To find out they trace the books I read
these lies got me surrounded there's a war on truth
And it all may have started with that first lost tooth

Lies, its all lies
Everything they say
Lies, they keep telling lies
We hear em' everyday
Do you think that we don't know
That you're up to no good
When you're tellin' lies

2) They say milk does a body good! How so, it
causes disease-don't trust me read about
BGH and IGF-1
The Dairy industry has us drinking poison
Got Milk? Better yet, how 'bout Got Cancer?
Got a sick prostate and you're looking for answers?
And while we trust the FDA to protect us
These mad cows are milking us all the way to the bank
From cell phones to pharmaceuticals
children forced vaccinations that carry plague and chemicals
Corporate thugs push drugs like evangelists push miracles
Monsanto, Bayer, Proctor and Gamble
Fluoride in our water supply has got us cockeyed
And still they lie
Telling us it's for own good
First used in Nazi prison camps now it's in our hoods


