• il y a 8 ans
FRENCH WAVES -RONE, Bora Vocal (ft. Alain Damasio) • 2009

The story behind "Bora Vocal":

"Bora Vocal" is a track that is as a mystical as it is mythical. When writing his science-fiction novel, "La Horde du Contrevent", Alain Damasio completely cut himself off from the rest of society for several months. Incredibly lonely, he started using a Dictaphone to reconnect with the spoken word. Rone found his mini-cassettes by sheer luck and decided to use a portion of the author’s recordings to make a track: "Bora Vocal", that would later become his first hit.

FRENCH WAVES is the first transmedia experience of electronic music, featuring 50 artists & DJs.

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Director: Julian Starke
Production: Zorba


