• il y a 17 ans
" Sandra, 18 greatest hits" 1992

Une des plus belles chansons de Sandra et elles le sont pratiquement toutes !
One of Sandra's most beautiful song !


I got something on my mind,
makes me sad and makes me cry,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Just an ordinary day,
an animal will pass away,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Who's to say he got no rights
even not a right to life,
Don't know why it leaves you cold,
don't know how to make it show,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Through his eyes I look inside his heart
he can feel like me and you,
Can't defend himself 'cause he can't talk
and this is why I talk to you
Johnny isn't just a name
he stands for every creature's pain,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Go and try to look inside his heart
you can find your own mistakes
try to hide them thinking he can't talk
but he can read them in your FACE
Got to give his skin away
for coats they wear on summerdays
Oh no,
Johnny wanna leaves cold
I swear I'm gonna make it show,
Oh no, Johnny wanna live,
Yeaah Yeaah, Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Oh, Johnny
Johnny wanna live
You have the right to live
Oh, Johnny
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live
Johnny wanna live


