• il y a 17 ans
A young French actor decides to go and meet Emir Kusturica on the set of his movie ¨Life is a miracle¨ in ex-Yugoslavia. An extravagant adventure between fiction and reality. Without trying to imitate or to copy Kusturica's style, we still feel many homages. We are in his universe, still searching for him (in a literal as well as in a physical way). But his film has its own identity : original, funny, crazy.

Shot in 10 days, after 25h driving, the film was written, but also improvised after the adventures that occured on the way. They had no rendez-vous, just the phone number of a contact of the production company in Paris, but yet, they threw themselves into the unknown, on the roads of Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia, and it's with much chance and intelligence they could shoot the final scene where their car arrives on the set (yet carefully watched, and forbidden to journalists !)...

After the surprise, the arrival of this band of creazy French people finally pleased the whole team of Life is a miracle, and specially the French exiled Farid Chaouche, Michel Amathieu and Jérome Tiault.

Since it was shot, the film has had an honourable carreer in French short films festivals (Lyon, Paris, Aubagne, etc.)

Court métrage de 25' tourné en 2005 en ex-yougoslavie avec Emir Kusturica en guest star.

Résumé: Un jeune acteur parisien, Raoul, rêvant de tourner dans le dernier film d'Emir Kusturica décide un beau jour de partir pour la Serbie rejoindre le réalisateur sur son lieu de tournage. Il veut le convaincre qu'il est l'acteur parfait pour son prochain film. Road moovie balkanique, entre fiction et documentaire, cette quête onirique le mènera au cœur de l'univers de Kusturica.

Mister K Kusturica emir serbie bosnie croatie VOST vostfr promets moi yougoslavie road movie underground chat noir blanc gitan


