• 9 years ago
The mind is a mysterious thing. The mind and the potential power it has to effect changes in the world has fascinated scholars and shamen alike for centuries. Our fascination with the power of mind has not been diminished in modern times. For most of us, the thing we call mind is a manifestation of brain processes. It is not something that can be cut out or held in our hands. Rather, mind is at the center of our consciousness. It is an emergent quality that produces our thoughts, perceptions, and emotions. Without a living brain, the concept of mind has little meaning. Thus, much of our curiosity about the mind is directed toward the workings of the brain.

We are fascinated by extraordinary abilities tied to the brain. We stand in awe of people who can do complex math in their head or remember in minute detail a scene that that they only briefly glimpsed. But, our curiosity goes beyond such abilities. We even wonder whether there are mind-based abilities that do not conform to our current understanding of cause and effect. Questions that border on the mystical are common.


