When Max moves to a new town, he discovers he can release a powerful energy called Turbo Energy (That just so happens to be the substance a villain is looking for). He is then found by his Uncle Ferrus, who is part of a secret program, who tells Max his father Jim and a person named Miles Dredd also worked there before their deaths from an explosion in the lab. The last thing Maxs dad worked on was an old machine, but it doesnt work anymore. But then Max reactivates it with his Turbo Energy, and the alien known as Steel morphs with Max, now allowing him to access his alter ego, Max Steel. Meanwhile the villains minion sends out a Fire Elementor to capture Max, and the episode ends with Max being thrown off a cliff by him.[5]
Uncle Ferrus saves Max from falling by catching him in his plane. Inside Steel dampens Maxs TURBO energy, making sure the villains cant trace him. Max then goes home, and hides his newfound ability from his mom. Meanwhile his mom infiltrates the enemys headquarters, gathering DATA and then calls Ferrus to meet with her and talk about what she saw. At school Max returns Sydneys phone (He accidentally took hers and she took his in the previous episode), and then goes to N-Tek to train against robots, not only using his Strength mode, but unlocking his Flight mode. He is then called by Sydney to go on a date. While there he leaves Steel in the boys bathroom so he may talk to Sydney alone. He tells her he really likes her, and just as theyre about to kiss, A Fire Elementor and an Earth Elementor show up to capture Max. Uncle Ferrus and his mom picks him up, and Ferrus explains taking off Steel allowed his TURBO energy to be traceable. Steel catches up, and Max and him fight the Elementors, Ferrus and his mom also fighting using laser guns. Max throws Steel, allowing him to beat the Fire Elementor, but then the Elementor falls and crushes Steel. Finally Max, Ferrus and Molly (Maxs mom) are knocked out, and the Earth Elementor takes Max while Steel is shown yelling Maxs name. The episode ends with Miles Dredd holding Max captive in his headquarters and draining Max of his TURBO energy.
Miles Dredd continues to hold Max captive, and Molly, Uncle Ferrus, Steel and N-Tek must save him. Steel flies through an air vent in the enemys headquarters to find Max. Meanwhile Uncle Ferrus tells Molly if Steel doesnt reconnect with Max in 8 hours, Maxs powers will overload and Steel will shut down. Miles reveals to Max that he was behind the explosion in 1997 that killed Maxs father and created a machine to absorb TURBO energy, but the explosion permanently connected the device to Miles and damaged the storing function of the invention. Max gets angry at this revelation releasing more energy, but Miles again absorbs it. The TURBO energy Miles originally absorbed from the explosion kept him alive for the 16 years until now. Finally Steel saves Max and the two fuse to escape, but Miles captures Steel and Max survives his fall 100 stories. He shuts Steel down, and hooks him up to a machine meant to kill everyone in Copper Canyons so Miles can gain more TURBO power from their devices feeding off each civilian. Soon N-Tek and Max invade the headquarters, faced with robots and Elementors. Max goes looking for Steel, runs into Miles assistant, who transforms into a cyborg, but Max easily gets rid of him off the elevator. Max then rescues Steel, deactivating the machine and trying to fight Miles, but he just absorbs their attacks. Finally Max has an idea: he and Steel release all the TURBO energy they can, and as they fly to space with Miles, a huge explosion occurs. Molly starts to cry, but then sees Max survived. Reporters arrive at the scene and ask who the hero is, with Max and Steel replying conjointly forming the name Max Steel. Ferrus asks Molly if they knew their existence was meant to be secret, and has her continue working at THI to sort the mess. In the aftermath of the fight, Miles Dredd is seen floating in space, but his servant appears in a ship rescuing him, and they return to Earth.
Uncle Ferrus saves Max from falling by catching him in his plane. Inside Steel dampens Maxs TURBO energy, making sure the villains cant trace him. Max then goes home, and hides his newfound ability from his mom. Meanwhile his mom infiltrates the enemys headquarters, gathering DATA and then calls Ferrus to meet with her and talk about what she saw. At school Max returns Sydneys phone (He accidentally took hers and she took his in the previous episode), and then goes to N-Tek to train against robots, not only using his Strength mode, but unlocking his Flight mode. He is then called by Sydney to go on a date. While there he leaves Steel in the boys bathroom so he may talk to Sydney alone. He tells her he really likes her, and just as theyre about to kiss, A Fire Elementor and an Earth Elementor show up to capture Max. Uncle Ferrus and his mom picks him up, and Ferrus explains taking off Steel allowed his TURBO energy to be traceable. Steel catches up, and Max and him fight the Elementors, Ferrus and his mom also fighting using laser guns. Max throws Steel, allowing him to beat the Fire Elementor, but then the Elementor falls and crushes Steel. Finally Max, Ferrus and Molly (Maxs mom) are knocked out, and the Earth Elementor takes Max while Steel is shown yelling Maxs name. The episode ends with Miles Dredd holding Max captive in his headquarters and draining Max of his TURBO energy.
Miles Dredd continues to hold Max captive, and Molly, Uncle Ferrus, Steel and N-Tek must save him. Steel flies through an air vent in the enemys headquarters to find Max. Meanwhile Uncle Ferrus tells Molly if Steel doesnt reconnect with Max in 8 hours, Maxs powers will overload and Steel will shut down. Miles reveals to Max that he was behind the explosion in 1997 that killed Maxs father and created a machine to absorb TURBO energy, but the explosion permanently connected the device to Miles and damaged the storing function of the invention. Max gets angry at this revelation releasing more energy, but Miles again absorbs it. The TURBO energy Miles originally absorbed from the explosion kept him alive for the 16 years until now. Finally Steel saves Max and the two fuse to escape, but Miles captures Steel and Max survives his fall 100 stories. He shuts Steel down, and hooks him up to a machine meant to kill everyone in Copper Canyons so Miles can gain more TURBO power from their devices feeding off each civilian. Soon N-Tek and Max invade the headquarters, faced with robots and Elementors. Max goes looking for Steel, runs into Miles assistant, who transforms into a cyborg, but Max easily gets rid of him off the elevator. Max then rescues Steel, deactivating the machine and trying to fight Miles, but he just absorbs their attacks. Finally Max has an idea: he and Steel release all the TURBO energy they can, and as they fly to space with Miles, a huge explosion occurs. Molly starts to cry, but then sees Max survived. Reporters arrive at the scene and ask who the hero is, with Max and Steel replying conjointly forming the name Max Steel. Ferrus asks Molly if they knew their existence was meant to be secret, and has her continue working at THI to sort the mess. In the aftermath of the fight, Miles Dredd is seen floating in space, but his servant appears in a ship rescuing him, and they return to Earth.
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