• 18 years ago
This is another White Sphere seen / taped in the month of November 2007.
THIS WAS NOT A TOY BALLOON nor a weather balloon. In this video, you see the clouds moving to the NORTH, but the white sphere does NOT move.
Review compiled still shot images extracted from video in slow motion here:

Please read the DETAILS about this sighting and the other spheres we saw and taped of
3 UFOs (spheres) on 3 different days in Nov 2007 from link below.
(These were also submitted to UFOSNW.com for their analysis)
November 2007 Spheres

WATCH or DOWNLOAD the Nov 11 2007 video here:

WTH are these things?!

READ this article that came out Nov 9, 2007 called:
What Chemtrails Really Are:

In the above article it mentions ORBS (aka Spheres)
Makes me wonder if what we've seen / taped have anything to do with what is mentioned in the article.