• 10 years ago
Shoot Out at Big Sag (1962)
64 min | Drama, Western | 1 June 1962 (USA)

A man has his eyes set on controlling the Big Sag territory in Montana and hopes to achieve his goal by forcing a newly-arrived family from Texas from their land. Hoping to convince the local saloonkeeper to help him, the man sends his daughter into town with instructions for his potential partner. A storm waylays the daughter during her trip to town and she is forced to stay at the home of her father's intended victims, leading to an interesting turn or two.

Director: Roger Kay

Writers: Walter J. Coburn (story) (as Walt Coburn), Roger Kay (screenplay)

Stars: Walter Brennan, Leif Erickson, Luana Patten
00:00:00I came out west on the wagon train to build my home on the open range, ooh, ooh, used to
00:00:26ride from Duciff to El Paso and never see a fence anyway.
00:00:29I stood up on a mountain as far as the eye could see, there wasn't a fence anywhere out
00:00:42in front of me.
00:00:45I staked my claim in heaven with God the Almighty, I swore there'd never be a barbed wire fence
00:00:51on this vast prairie.
00:00:55Then came the men with greed and hate, stringing their wire around the whole dang thing.
00:01:15The good book says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
00:01:20He sure must have favored Montana, because he put most of it right here.
00:01:24And God said, let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds.
00:01:30Cattle and creeping things.
00:01:32Well, sir, we got good cattle, but most of the creeping things is the two-legged kind.
00:01:37Come drifting in with rows of butt-wide, a fence off the range into little parcels,
00:01:41and choke off the mighty stretch of free-breathing room the Almighty intended.
00:01:46Range beef need room to drift and room to breathe and land to feed on if they aim to grow big.
00:01:51Same as a man.
00:01:53And these creeping vermin just bore in, driving their beef ahead of them
00:01:57and bringing their barbed wire to squeeze the land to death and sending up clouds of dust from earth to heaven.
00:02:03Dust thou art, under dust thou shalt return.
00:02:08That's scripture.
00:02:10And I reckon it was meant mainly for these land grabbers.
00:02:15Now this here is the Big Sag, Montana.
00:02:18A cow town that shot up out of the dust overnight like a mushroom.
00:02:23Cow punchers, trappers, renegades, outlaws, road agents.
00:02:29Big Sag ain't particular.
00:02:32It's wide open to all of them.
00:02:34And sooner or later they all meet up at the first and last chance saloon.
00:02:38Liquor, women, gambling.
00:02:42Just name your poison.
00:02:45Chan Bartholomew can see that you quench your thirst.
00:02:49He owns this unholy sink of iniquity.
00:02:51Chan also owns a woman known as Goldie.
00:02:54Now this here's Fargo, newcomer to town.
00:02:58Some say he's a bad one.
00:03:00Others say all the men he killed were, well, they were dropped fair and square.
00:03:06But it don't make much difference near as I can see.
00:03:09Scripture says he's good and bad in a whole lot of us.
00:03:14One of Fargo's good points is defending womanhood.
00:03:18Even if it's kind of tarnished womanhood.
00:03:39Look out!
00:03:51Leave it to Chan Bartholomew to spot a good man.
00:04:00Anybody fast with his fists and his guns, Chan wants them on his side.
00:04:06Chan's mighty good at persuading.
00:04:08If he can just get a man to listen to him while looking at Goldie.
00:04:14Now there's a fine little collection of sinners to keep your eye on.
00:04:18But this ain't their story.
00:04:21Oh, they got a mighty big hand in it, but, well, this is first off Preacher Hawker's story.
00:04:30Preacher Hawker, that's me.
00:04:33Them's my three boys are riding alongside of me there.
00:04:37I reckon everybody knows us Hawkers because we was the first to settle here in the Big Sag.
00:04:44Yes, sir, we claim it all.
00:04:47First a man can ride a good horse between sunup and sundown of a long Montana day.
00:04:52And we keep a sharp eye out for the barbed wire toting range thieves who come a-crowding in on us.
00:04:59I think this means he pair here.
00:05:05What do you make of that scissor bell outfit?
00:05:08Sure traveling.
00:05:10Where they come from, they sure breed them for big bone.
00:05:13Even a sorry shot couldn't miss one of them things.
00:05:16And that in the lead looks like a turkey bus about to take off.
00:05:19You're getting your first look at that Preacher Hawker we've been hearing about.
00:05:24Packs a Bible in one pocket, six shooter in the other, just to balance the load.
00:05:29You reckon Preacher Jay Hawker aims to run us off, Colonel?
00:05:33Maybe so.
00:05:35What if we was to stop them for Jasper's in the tracks right now?
00:05:38Lee, we had a belly full of gunfight.
00:05:42You let me talk to him when I get here, son.
00:05:46Yes, sir, Colonel.
00:05:49I'm Preacher Hawker.
00:05:53This country is my range.
00:05:55The whole tit and caboodle of it.
00:05:57Just as far as the eye can see.
00:06:00Now, what's the meaning of this invasion, mister?
00:06:03I'm Sam Barbee from Texas.
00:06:05This here's my son, Lee.
00:06:07Well, don't you pull none of your Texican tricks on us hawkers.
00:06:10We outnumber you two to four.
00:06:12Not Texicans, Preacher, Texans.
00:06:15Not Texicans, Preacher, Texans.
00:06:19Didn't you ever hear the Alamo?
00:06:21I just don't know what you mean about a Texan being outnumbered.
00:06:27We'll keep our cattle in the lower sag, you keep yours in the upper sag.
00:06:30That goes as she lays.
00:06:33Now, if you want an argument, we might as well have it right now.
00:06:37That's further on up the creek.
00:06:39You're pointing your gun at the man at the cloth.
00:06:42Behold ye a holy man, a voice crying in the wilderness.
00:06:46If thine enemy smite thee, turn the other cheek.
00:06:52Them's words from the holy scripture.
00:06:54Preacher, if that big chaw in your mouth were to slip down your gullet, you'd choke down and die.
00:06:59Now, you take them three whelps and git.
00:07:02And don't you come back after dark.
00:07:05Or one of my cow punchers might pin a lightning bug on the end of a corncob
00:07:09and run you hawkers plumb out of the country.
00:07:12Now git.
00:07:14How'd he get the bag of beans he got?
00:07:40They ain't got enough gut to twitch them to stuff a cottontail rabbit.
00:07:44Just what do you think's so darn funny?
00:07:46Them four scarecrows up yonder flappin' their wings.
00:07:49Oh, you'd admit they make an entertaining sight.
00:07:51Couldn't rightly expect any sense out of a pup like you.
00:07:54But this grown man here...
00:07:55Oh, Colonel Barbie at your service, ma'am.
00:07:58Now, my son and me, we ain't entirely out of line.
00:08:01You should have seen that preacher hawker.
00:08:04Fallin' back on his Bible whinin' like a Mongol part-hound.
00:08:09And them three sons of his.
00:08:11Bigger than mules and gutless as scum rabbits.
00:08:15Well, you either gotta laugh at them or shoot them.
00:08:17And we're peaceable folk.
00:08:18We'd rather laugh at them.
00:08:20You should try it too, ma'am.
00:08:22Smile do wonders for that pretty face.
00:08:24Look at that face again, mister.
00:08:26I'm Hannah Hawker.
00:08:28And those rabbits, mules and pot hounds are my father and brothers.
00:08:33I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:08:35I mean, ain't it a shame?
00:08:42Hannah's got spunk.
00:08:44But she's more mad at herself than young Barbie.
00:08:47Because the minute she laid eyes on him,
00:08:49she felt weak as a woman for the first time in her life.
00:08:59They had us outnumbered ten to one.
00:09:01Them Texicans was just about to massacre us
00:09:04when I yanked my Bible out of my pocket,
00:09:06preached them a sermon that brought them to their knees.
00:09:10Now, that's what I'm tellin' that woman in there.
00:09:12And you three better string along with me.
00:09:15I read her face and she grinned.
00:09:17Like compared to me,
00:09:19a man in the lion's den had easy pickings.
00:09:35I won't be put off any longer.
00:09:37Did you run that bunch of Texans off with their trail herd like I told you?
00:09:42Answer me, Mark Hawker!
00:09:45Why, we was lucky to get back with our lives, woman.
00:09:48Well, we know that we was surrounded by 20, 30 guns.
00:09:53Them murderin' Texicans was gonna destroy your husband.
00:09:58And your three sons, too.
00:10:00That's when I looked them right in the eye and pulled out my Bible.
00:10:03I preached them a sermon that they'll never forget.
00:10:07All they could do was hang their heads and ride away in shame.
00:10:13God Almighty had a hand in the deal.
00:10:18That's interesting.
00:10:20That the Texans were gonna kill you,
00:10:23and you were gonna kill them.
00:10:26That's interesting.
00:10:29Did the Texans move their cattle out of the lower sag?
00:10:33Why, them cattle are so foot-sore and leg-weary,
00:10:35they won't be safe to move for a week.
00:10:40You and these overgrown cowards.
00:10:43Well, I knew from the start you'd lay down like whipped pot hounds.
00:10:48Hannah could have done better.
00:10:52What do you mean, that lordy-dur-dordy you keep wrapped up in cotton batting?
00:10:57That high-pollutant female reeking of perfume that'd make any decent man sick?
00:11:05She'll be wearing diamonds while you're wallerin' in that hog trough you made,
00:11:09you gutless fool!
00:11:12Don't you fret.
00:11:14I'll hang them Texans from cottonwood limbs
00:11:17while you hide behind the Bible you stole from a dead man.
00:11:21What in tarnation you fixin' to do, woman?
00:11:23Never you mind.
00:11:26You take yourselves out of my kitchen.
00:11:28You're stinkin' up the house!
00:11:30It wasn't tarnation you're fixin' to do, woman.
00:11:33Don't you go snickering behind your father's back.
00:11:36Well, you're even bigger cowards than he is.
00:11:39And you're just beginners.
00:11:41Them's terrible things they said about Hannah,
00:11:44but the old woman prided me into it.
00:11:52Prettiest preach ever come of this God-forsaken country.
00:11:56Seein' to it that you marry the richest man in Montana territory bar none.
00:12:01Governor, if things work out the way I'm plannin'.
00:12:05You listenin' to what I'm tellin' you?
00:12:07Yes, Ma, I'm listenin'.
00:12:09Every word you're sayin'.
00:12:11How many times do I have to tell you, Ma, sounds vulgar?
00:12:15Yes, Mother.
00:12:17It's a hundred.
00:12:20I'm never gonna let you make the mistake I made in marryin' Mark Hawker.
00:12:30Preacher Hawker.
00:12:37More preacher than the man on the moon.
00:12:43My father's coat he's wearin'.
00:12:46It's his Bible, too.
00:12:50Grandfather's dying wish was he was buried in that coat along with the Bible?
00:12:56Mark Hawker come along in the dead of night,
00:12:59just a couple of steps ahead of a bunch of soldiers that was hot on his trail.
00:13:03They found him.
00:13:05He was wearin' your grandpa's coat,
00:13:08with an open Bible in his hand,
00:13:10standin' alongside my father's coffin with the lid nailed down.
00:13:14They had to stand there bareheaded
00:13:17while Hawker preached a funeral sermon.
00:13:20He was about half drunk and knockin' at the knees.
00:13:23And he had the gall to ask those soldiers to lower that coffin into the open grave.
00:13:30And from that day on,
00:13:32he's never let go of that claw-hammer coat nor that Bible.
00:13:37How many times does a body have to tell you?
00:13:40Sorry, Mother.
00:13:42Weren't you a little rough on Pa tonight?
00:13:44He got off easy,
00:13:46with that hang-dog, sheep-stealin' look.
00:13:52That Barbie outfit's aimin' to stay.
00:13:55They'll be claimin' a whole big sag about their cut-down before they get a tail-holt.
00:14:01Hannah, I'm sendin' you on a real important errand tonight.
00:14:06This late? You mean it?
00:14:08You're gonna deliver a letter for me
00:14:10to a man called Chan Bartholomew.
00:14:12The last Chan saloon.
00:14:13I saw him a few weeks ago.
00:14:15He didn't see me, or he'd have stopped and noticed.
00:14:18After he reads my letter, we'll get help.
00:14:21Real help.
00:14:22Yes, Mother.
00:14:24Remember, child,
00:14:26when you walk through them swingin' doors,
00:14:28you hold your head high,
00:14:30like a princess.
00:14:36Like this?
00:14:39Like there's dirt under my feet?
00:14:42Like they smell bad?
00:14:44That's it.
00:14:46Like a lady.
00:15:08Like a lady.
00:15:38Like a lady.
00:16:08Prince, come on. Get in there.
00:16:38Come on.
00:17:02No call to be scared, ma'am.
00:17:04You didn't. I mean, I'm not.
00:17:07Wait a minute.
00:17:10You just startled me.
00:17:16What are you doin' here?
00:17:18What do you suppose?
00:17:21I, uh, I came to court.
00:17:26I see you still think you're funny.
00:17:29Ma'am, it's awful wet outside.
00:17:31That's no joke.
00:17:33You didn't knock on your way in,
00:17:35you didn't say goodbye on your way out.
00:17:39You know, with your stage actress voice
00:17:42and that drowned duck in your head,
00:17:45you're a perfect picture of western hospitality.
00:17:47Would you get out of here?
00:17:49Do you hear me? Out!
00:18:05Come on.
00:18:35Looks like we're gonna be marooned here for hours.
00:19:06Might as well make the best of it.
00:19:15If I was rough on you, ma'am, I'm...
00:19:18I'm apologizing.
00:19:20You know, I knocked this time.
00:19:23And that, I suppose, makes you a gentleman.
00:19:29Hawker's a name that's poison to a barbie.
00:19:32But I ask you, implore you,
00:19:35will you please get out of here?
00:19:41Look, if you're scared of that storm...
00:19:44Oh, Miss Hawker, I honestly and truthfully
00:19:47am more scared of you than any storm.
00:19:50You're contrary, but there's no denying
00:19:53you're the prettiest girl I ever did lay eyes on.
00:20:03I just don't know anything anymore.
00:20:08All around, everything's so...
00:20:10so big and dark, wild.
00:20:17I'm all mixed up.
00:20:19Well, I know I'm a hawker,
00:20:21and I'm not even sure exactly what that means.
00:20:25Except that I hate you.
00:20:29And yet...
00:20:31right now, I'm glad you're here.
00:20:37I only hope I never see you again, so...
00:20:40so that I can feel sure about things like before.
00:20:49I'm sorry.
00:20:52Seems like all you hawkers have a passion for talking.
00:21:09You know that it's the first time I've ever been kissed?
00:21:14Really, the very first time.
00:21:17Are you sorry?
00:21:20Are you, Hanna?
00:21:22No, I don't think so.
00:21:25Should I be?
00:21:30It is wrong, though, isn't it?
00:21:34What scares me is it...
00:21:37feels so right.
00:21:39Hey, you're... you're shivering.
00:21:42It feels so right.
00:21:44Hey, you're... you're shivering.
00:21:47Now, I want you to take those wet clothes off
00:21:49and get into the bed roll.
00:21:52Well, go on, do as I tell you before you catch a cold.
00:21:56Take your clothes off and climb under the blanket.
00:22:06I'm gonna make it easy for you.
00:22:09This gun is loaded.
00:22:39Come on.
00:23:05I got nothing to offer you, Hanna, what I am.
00:23:08Not even a house until we get a cabin built in the Lower Sag.
00:23:12So I ain't exactly doing you a favor.
00:23:17I'm asking you to be my wife.
00:23:22I'll marry you, Lee.
00:23:25I'd rather be with you anywhere than live in the governor's mansion
00:23:28and wear diamonds.
00:23:38Hey, what's this letter you're writing to that...
00:23:41that slick-haired tin horse?
00:23:43It's a business letter. Ma wrote it.
00:23:46Well, that's your perfume. It smells of...
00:23:49I think you'd better do some explaining.
00:23:52Read it, Lee. Read it out loud.
00:23:55We might as well both know what trouble we're in.
00:24:02When I tell you that before I married, my name was Sarah Treadwell,
00:24:06you know there's someone here could send you to jail
00:24:09for more of the years than you have left to live.
00:24:12So I know you'll help me.
00:24:14Texan named Sam Barbie moved a big trail herd into the Lower Sag.
00:24:19When I'm ready, I want you to wipe out the outfit down to the last man.
00:24:24Now, hold it. The big sag is Hawker property.
00:24:26You help me keep it that way and I'll forget what I know.
00:24:30Sarah Treadway Hawker.
00:24:37Don't look at me like that, Lee.
00:24:42Just like you're supposed to.
00:24:44Is that all you've got to say?
00:24:46That's all.
00:24:48Well, let's go.
00:24:50Is that all you've got to say?
00:24:52That's all.
00:24:54What if I rip it up and throw it away?
00:24:56It won't change a thing.
00:24:58She's determined to start a range war.
00:25:00I know what they can be like.
00:25:03My brother was shot down in the fence cutters war.
00:25:06My mother was burned to death.
00:25:09Our cabin was set afire in the middle of the night.
00:25:12But what about us? You and me?
00:25:15Before this is over, I might have to kill your father, your brothers.
00:25:20And you're a Hawker. I'm a Barbie. That's the way it is.
00:25:23When it's all over, we'll see what's left.
00:25:46What are you laughing about, Richard?
00:25:48I've got a secret.
00:25:50It keeps swelling up and swelling up inside me.
00:25:53Well, suck it, Pop.
00:25:55Or your butt.
00:25:57I'm saving it for your mom.
00:25:59It's a gut shot.
00:26:01The cattle queen will go crazy when she sees what I've just seen.
00:26:05She'll think I'm crazy.
00:26:07She'll think I'm crazy.
00:26:09She'll think I'm crazy.
00:26:11She'll think I'm crazy.
00:26:13She'll think I'm crazy when she sees what I've just seen.
00:26:15And then I can die happy.
00:26:17How about you're dealing us an end, Preacher,
00:26:19when you get ready to let Ma have it
00:26:21for getting us up out of that warm bed last night.
00:26:24And I'm making us ride off out into that there storm.
00:26:27Hunting high and low for her little sachet of powder of pride and joy.
00:26:32It was worth it, Bill.
00:26:34When I bust my news, it'll be like catching off a powder keg.
00:26:37It'll blow the old lady higher and give her some.
00:27:14Hold on there, gal.
00:27:18You come hunting for a job this hour of the morning, you have to wait.
00:27:22When I'm through, I'll take you in the back room and look you over.
00:27:25I didn't come here looking for a job.
00:27:27Oh, you need some money?
00:27:29I'd be glad to slip it to you.
00:27:31I'm Hannah Hawker.
00:27:33I got a letter for Chan Bartholomew.
00:27:35You stay away from Chan Bartholomew.
00:27:39Hand over the letter, I'll deliver it.
00:27:41What's your name?
00:27:44They call me Goldie.
00:27:47Well, Goldie, if you don't mind, I'll deliver this letter in person.
00:27:51And if you do mind, it really doesn't make any difference.
00:27:57I'll be back in a minute.
00:28:00And if you do mind, it really doesn't make any difference.
00:28:13Which one of you is Chan Bartholomew?
00:28:16I'm Chan Bartholomew.
00:28:22Does this visit business or pleasure or both?
00:28:26Strictly business.
00:28:28I'm Hannah Hawker.
00:28:30My mother gave me this for you.
00:28:33Well, Fargo, the lady says it's business, so you better get.
00:28:37Entertain Goldie.
00:28:39Keep her from kicking in the door while we discuss this matter.
00:28:45Sit down, Mr. Bartholomew. I prefer to stand.
00:28:52You look as if you've been caught in the rain.
00:28:56Like you need a drink.
00:28:58Read the letter before you get any notions about Sarah Hawker's daughter.
00:29:07Just a washed-out little country girl. That's all she is.
00:29:11Ain't the way she struck that tin horn in there, I bet you.
00:29:15For my money, Goldie.
00:29:17You're the best-looking gal in Montana territory.
00:29:21Thanks for the compliment.
00:29:25All I ever get from Chan is a kind kick in the teeth and a bouquet of dirty names.
00:29:33I don't like to hear you talk like that.
00:29:42Miss Sarah's an outspoken female.
00:29:45Calls a spade a spade.
00:29:47How come the envelope came unsealed, Hannah?
00:29:50Got damp in the rain. The flap came unglued.
00:29:52You read the letter?
00:29:54What if I did?
00:29:56You in the habit of reading other people's mail?
00:29:59I read it. Just let it go at that.
00:30:01Now give me your answer and I'll be on my way.
00:30:05I don't believe in putting things in writing.
00:30:09Just tell Sarah Treadway that the game's about to commence.
00:30:14Chan Bartholomew is dealing.
00:30:17And it's a cold deck.
00:30:20And tell her pretty daughter...
00:30:23she don't have to act so high-toned around here.
00:30:31You're dirt to me.
00:30:37I'm dear to myself in this game, you tin-horned sport.
00:30:40This is all I got for a hand.
00:30:42But if you don't think it's a winner, try your luck.
00:30:46Pick up the marbles, Goldie.
00:30:48Thought I told you to keep her away, Fargo.
00:30:51I didn't hire her to settle family quarrels.
00:30:55So long, little hatter-hawker.
00:30:59You deliver your letter?
00:31:02You two exchange enough correspondence.
00:31:06All right, you two-bit floozy.
00:31:08You can go back to your bottle.
00:31:21I'm sorry.
00:31:26You got nothing to be sorry about.
00:31:37You know it's all your fault.
00:31:40You come in here clean and sweet and smelling a sagebrush.
00:31:45Brought back memories of the gal that once married Chan Bartholomew.
00:31:49Memories I tried to drown in booze.
00:31:54I'm not a bit proud of the stuck-up way I acted before.
00:31:58I wish there was something I could do to help.
00:32:01You can help yourself.
00:32:03Don't give Chan another chance to get near you.
00:32:08I'm asking for me, too.
00:32:11It still hurts when I see him act that way.
00:32:18Come on.
00:32:48Come on.
00:33:29If the four of us can't handle one man,
00:33:31we'd better throw away our guns and come in drinking milk.
00:33:35Let's get him!
00:33:49Now there's a chance, but we can barely walk.
00:33:51Why don't you go get him?
00:34:04Well, now that's a fine way to say thank you.
00:34:07Just after we saved your life.
00:34:09Who was that road agent, anyway?
00:34:11I don't know.
00:34:13He's a good man.
00:34:16Who was that road agent, anyway?
00:34:18Maybe it wasn't no road agent at all.
00:34:20Maybe it was a Texican you two was playing tag or something.
00:34:27Where's that horse?
00:34:31I seen you leave Bobby at that cabin.
00:34:33Sure looked like you spent the night there, too.
00:34:36No need to try to lie out of it.
00:34:38I'm not trying to lie out of it.
00:34:40We spent the night there.
00:34:48I'm your pa.
00:34:50Your own flesh and blood pa.
00:34:53A long time ago, I lost the right to talk to you.
00:34:57The old lady claims you cut me off complete.
00:35:01That's the way it's been.
00:35:04I ain't got no right whatsoever to
00:35:06horn in as to what went on in that cabin last night
00:35:08between you, my daughter, and that long-haired Texican.
00:35:12But I want you to know this, Hannah.
00:35:15I do care.
00:35:17And that's the truth.
00:35:19Nothing went on in that cabin, pa.
00:35:21Anyways, nothing that I'm ashamed of.
00:35:24Lee, Bobby, and I found out we love each other
00:35:26and we aim to get married.
00:35:31Well, glory be to heaven.
00:35:33The governor of Montana Territory
00:35:35is sure going to be disappointed.
00:35:37And your boss is going to drop dead in a trance.
00:35:39Keeping you away from men
00:35:41like a lily on the glass.
00:35:43Grooming you like a prize filly.
00:35:45Showing enough dresses to outfit
00:35:47the princes of Timbuktu.
00:35:53I'm afraid it'll be like stabbing her in the back.
00:35:55Don't you fret your pretty head now.
00:35:57We'll work out some scheme.
00:35:59I was behind you to the last ditch.
00:36:01Say, suppose I was to break the news to your ma?
00:36:05No, you know what would happen.
00:36:07No, you know what would happen to you.
00:36:09I've got to do it.
00:36:14I'm so miserable I could die.
00:36:16What for?
00:36:21Read this.
00:36:27You see, Lee, Bobby can't marry me now.
00:36:30If there's a range war,
00:36:32well, he might have to kill you and my brothers.
00:36:38Boy, this woman is plum loco.
00:36:40If there's blood spilled, it'll be on her hands.
00:36:42Clear to her elbows.
00:36:46I wish I was dead.
00:36:54I'm asking you a favor, gorgeous.
00:36:58It ain't for me, because I'm a cowardly sinner.
00:37:01Your brother's from a girl here
00:37:03that I'm just now getting to know.
00:37:05And a woman I done took in holy wedlock.
00:37:07I reckon I love them both.
00:37:09So just forgive the old woman her sins
00:37:11and get her to call off this war.
00:37:14So that my girl can be happy.
00:37:20Please, God, thy will be done.
00:37:26I don't know whether you heard me or not.
00:37:28All this sinning going on on earth.
00:37:30He's a busy man.
00:37:32He's a busy man.
00:37:34Anyway, he's sure a joy on Sarah.
00:37:38He sure is.
00:37:42It's bound to hurt the old lady.
00:37:44Even after all she's done, you don't hate her.
00:37:48I'm a weakling, I reckon.
00:37:50You're a good man, Preacher Harker.
00:37:52Hold on now, Hannah.
00:37:54No done good, we both know that.
00:37:57Except maybe sometimes when I was
00:37:59preaching her way through the
00:38:01Yankee and River Lines.
00:38:03They'd be the wounded and the dying
00:38:05to sit with and bury.
00:38:07And I done it.
00:38:09I got to believe
00:38:11I actually was a sky pilot.
00:38:13Oh, maybe it's cause I can't
00:38:15use a gun no how, but
00:38:17I always did feel at home in the book.
00:38:19Your Ma hadn't lost all
00:38:21respect for me by then.
00:38:23I'd never lost my way again.
00:38:25Poor Pa.
00:38:27Oh, you can't blame her neither.
00:38:29She's fallen for the wrong man.
00:38:31Pa, why don't you throw your gun away?
00:38:33Stick to the Bible.
00:38:35Get out of here.
00:38:37Go find yourself.
00:38:41Don't even look back. Preach your Gospels.
00:38:45As for us,
00:38:47we've all been brought up
00:38:49to despise you, so
00:38:51we won't miss you.
00:38:55Would you do that for me,
00:38:57your daughter?
00:39:05Why are you so
00:39:07darn anxious to send me away to look for myself?
00:39:09I don't feel
00:39:11particularly lost no more.
00:39:13All a man needs
00:39:15is to be necessary.
00:39:19I guess I got to thank you,
00:39:21daughter, for doing
00:39:23just that. And I'll stay around
00:39:25because I might be
00:39:27able to help.
00:39:45One starry Montana night,
00:39:47Lee Barbee finally told his father
00:39:49how deeply he'd fallen in love
00:39:51with Hannah Holger.
00:39:53The colonel agreed a marriage
00:39:55looked inevitable.
00:39:57Trouble was that Barbee's
00:39:59had previously agreed that a range war
00:40:01looked inevitable too.
00:40:03And in the affairs of men,
00:40:05war's always come first.
00:40:15I'll confess that on the Holger side,
00:40:17there didn't seem
00:40:19to be much agreement.
00:40:21To marry the first man you set eyes on.
00:40:23Health even
00:40:25gunslinger of all people.
00:40:27I'd die
00:40:31Don't think you'll
00:40:33talk me out of getting our land back from him, neither.
00:40:39One day
00:40:41you'll understand, baby.
00:40:43You've still got a lot of growing up
00:40:45to do.
00:40:47Well, for once, I'll
00:40:49have to agree with you more, Charles.
00:40:53All she ever done was to
00:40:55slave her life away
00:40:57just to give you the world in a basket.
00:41:01Why, her hands held this family together
00:41:03when the men
00:41:05proved to be drunken cowards.
00:41:07It was her strength
00:41:09that got us the Big Sag.
00:41:13You can't blame her
00:41:15for not wanting to turn it loose,
00:41:19If it ain't too late, I wish you'd give me a chance
00:41:21to clean out them
00:41:23Texican cow thieves.
00:41:27I'm calling you bluff, my cocker.
00:41:31Not that I trust your lying tongue,
00:41:33but for our daughter's sake.
00:41:35She'll be thankful to me one day.
00:41:39And if there's anything left of the man I married,
00:41:43she'll be thankful, too, to the father she's never had.
00:41:47Now you get rid of that murdering tin horn you got mixed up with
00:41:49and leave me take over.
00:41:51That I won't do.
00:41:53I'll give him orders to let you help.
00:41:55Then if you chicken out,
00:41:57like always,
00:41:59the job will be done anyway.
00:42:05I've been play-acting for more than a week now
00:42:07and it's paid off.
00:42:09Your ma's sending me and the boys
00:42:11to see Chan tonight.
00:42:13I'm heart sick.
00:42:15All I can see ahead is bloodshed and pain.
00:42:17You just trust your pa.
00:42:19This cow country's been laughing
00:42:21at me and my sons.
00:42:23Called us rank cowards.
00:42:25And rightly so.
00:42:27We're a big joke to them.
00:42:29And that's just what I'm counting on now.
00:42:33Now if I can fool the old dragon
00:42:35with my play-acting,
00:42:37Chan'll be easy.
00:42:39I'll learn all I can
00:42:41and I'll go straight
00:42:43to our future in-laws with it.
00:43:09So, this is the night, huh?
00:43:11How does it feel, Fogger?
00:43:13A clean gun,
00:43:15hiring out to a dirty tin horn.
00:43:17I don't know what you're talking about.
00:43:19You're not fooling anybody.
00:43:23I'm only asking you because I know
00:43:25you're not fooling anybody.
00:43:27You're not fooling anybody.
00:43:29You're not fooling anybody.
00:43:31You're not fooling anybody.
00:43:33You're not fooling anybody.
00:43:35You're not fooling anybody.
00:43:37Besides, I'm only asking you
00:43:39because I hate to see you get mixed up in it.
00:43:41I care about you, Fogger.
00:43:45I don't like what's happening to you.
00:43:49No, I'm sober.
00:43:51This is my first drink.
00:43:53Now look,
00:43:55I know you've been
00:43:57hanging around here because of me.
00:43:59And I led you on because
00:44:01I always do his bidding.
00:44:03Well, I'm not play-acting now.
00:44:05I'm somebody else's woman,
00:44:07but I care a lot what happens to you.
00:44:11If I could only...
00:44:21Whatever my reasons are for staying,
00:44:23I'm not changing my code.
00:44:25And there's nothing dirty
00:44:27about the work I'm doing for Chan.
00:44:29I know him better than you do.
00:44:31Now why don't you tell me the deal
00:44:33and let me be the judge?
00:44:35You know,
00:44:37you and me, we're a lot alike, Goldie.
00:44:39You hate that man,
00:44:41but you'll stick by him as long as he lives.
00:44:43I hate him, too.
00:44:45But I can't tell you his business
00:44:47as long as I work for him.
00:45:03Come on.
00:45:17Preacher Hawker,
00:45:19come to preach the word of the maker.
00:45:21Preacher Hawker, come to preach the word of the maker
00:45:23to the sin-poisoned souls
00:45:25in this den of iniquity.
00:45:29Even if he dies as a martyr,
00:45:31repent, Chan Bartholomew,
00:45:33and bury you in sin.
00:45:35No, quit your drunken bellowing.
00:45:47I've got your orders here
00:45:49straight from the Cattle Queen.
00:45:51I've hired all the gun shieldmen,
00:45:53and they're starting to meet here at the last chance.
00:45:55Now, they're riding just before sunup,
00:45:57and you, Preacher,
00:45:59will ride in the lead,
00:46:01right into the lower sag.
00:46:03Well, now, Sam and Lee Bobby
00:46:05ain't gonna take this laying down.
00:46:07They'll take it laying down.
00:46:09Laying down dead.
00:46:11Those gunslingers know their job,
00:46:13and they know how to do it.
00:46:15All you gotta do is be there
00:46:17to make it legal.
00:46:19Now, you be sure you don't chicken out.
00:46:23I'll be riding at dawn,
00:46:25and if any of them killers of yours
00:46:27ain't got guts enough to pull the asshockers,
00:46:29you'll even come along.
00:46:57Some use whiskey
00:46:59as a brave maker.
00:47:01You, it turns into a rank coward.
00:47:05You wanna use that gun on me?
00:47:13I'll be all right
00:47:15as soon as I get outside.
00:47:17I know I got a job to do
00:47:19late at night.
00:47:21The time is now.
00:47:23Well, I got to go.
00:47:25The time is now.
00:47:27Now, like we said,
00:47:29the job is to destroy the Barbies
00:47:31and every Barbie cowhand.
00:47:33Now, you don't have to do it personally.
00:47:35As soon as it looks like your men have got the edge,
00:47:37I want you to take a few of the boys you can trust
00:47:39and hightail it to the upper sag.
00:47:43I'm putting a price on the head of every hawker.
00:47:45Wipe them out.
00:47:49Then you come back here for your payoff.
00:47:51Now, throwing Barbies off Hawker property
00:47:53was one deal I made.
00:47:55Murdering hawkers.
00:47:57I just don't play that kind of a game.
00:48:05I've changed the rules
00:48:07of this game.
00:48:09Sarah Hawker's gotta die
00:48:11or I can never rest easy.
00:48:13I've played it her way
00:48:15right up to the last minute.
00:48:17Her half-wit husband just left here.
00:48:19And he'll tell her
00:48:21everything's under control.
00:48:23Everything's under control, all right.
00:48:25But my way.
00:48:29And when they find the hawkers all shot up,
00:48:31everybody will figure
00:48:33them and the Barbies wiped each other out.
00:48:35What about the Hawker gal?
00:48:39I thought you was sweet on her.
00:48:41You don't touch her.
00:48:43I aim to make her my wife.
00:48:45You already got a wife, Goldie.
00:48:51Didn't I tell you to come back here
00:48:53for your payoff?
00:48:55Goldie's your payoff.
00:48:57I'll make you
00:48:59a present of her.
00:49:13I'm too drunk
00:49:15to tell if I should gut shoot you,
00:49:17but thank you.
00:49:19But you just bought yourself a man.
00:49:39What's all this going on
00:49:41between you and Fargo, Chan?
00:49:43None of your business.
00:49:45And don't let me catch you in here again.
00:49:47But it is my business, Chan.
00:49:49You just threw me
00:49:51in a high stakes jackpot
00:49:53as bait for a murderer
00:49:55named Fargo who used to be a good man.
00:49:59You didn't have to.
00:50:01I'm setting you free.
00:50:05Here, honey.
00:50:09Our wedding certificate.
00:50:13Burn it.
00:50:17Burn it.
00:50:43Along with your luck.
00:50:47Don't shoot!
00:50:49Meet your Hawker with important news
00:50:51for Colonel Barbee.
00:50:53What's on your mind, Hawker?
00:50:55You was right.
00:50:57Our outfit and your outfit's gotta stick together, Colonel.
00:50:59Only my son Lee
00:51:01and my cowhands call me Colonel.
00:51:03I don't care.
00:51:05I don't care.
00:51:07I don't care.
00:51:09I don't care.
00:51:11I don't care.
00:51:13I don't care.
00:51:15Only my cowhands call me Colonel.
00:51:21Ain't your son there?
00:51:23Right here, preacher.
00:51:25You wanna marry my daughter?
00:51:27Well, yes, sir, I do.
00:51:29Has your father got any objection?
00:51:33Well, I'll thank you to show a little more respect
00:51:35to your future kinfolk.
00:51:37Now, war has been declared on the big sag.
00:51:39And I worked it, so I'm the general, Colonel.
00:51:41Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:43Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:45Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:47Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:49Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:51Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:53Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:55Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:57Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:51:59Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:01Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:03Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:05Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:07Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:09Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:11Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:13Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:15Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:17Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:19Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:21Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:23Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:25Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:27Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:29Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:31Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:33Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:35Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:37Now, we're gonna ride again.
00:52:39That'll be them sneaky one-eyed coyotes.
00:52:41That Shan, that black-hearted snake,
00:52:43he must have figured me and my boys
00:52:45throwing him in your outfits.
00:52:47Now, how's that for dirty double dealing?
00:52:55You stay with the preacher.
00:52:57Take cover.
00:53:09Take cover.
00:53:39Take cover.
00:54:09Take cover.
00:54:11Take cover.
00:54:13Take cover.
00:54:15Take cover.
00:54:17Take cover.
00:54:19Take cover.
00:54:21Take cover.
00:54:23Take cover.
00:54:25Take cover.
00:54:27Take cover.
00:54:29Take cover.
00:54:31Take cover.
00:54:33Take cover.
00:54:35Take cover.
00:54:37Take cover.
00:54:39Take cover.
00:54:41Take cover.
00:54:43Take cover.
00:54:45Take cover.
00:54:47Take cover.
00:54:49Take cover.
00:54:51Take cover.
00:54:53Take cover.
00:54:55Take cover.
00:54:57Take cover.
00:54:59Take cover.
00:55:01Take cover.
00:55:03Take cover.
00:55:05Let's buy a moose and take care of our other business.
00:55:23Let's go after them.
00:55:31How'd you make out, Colonel?
00:55:33Nice scratch.
00:55:35From now on, Preacher Hawker's got a firm believer.
00:55:47Where's Fargo?
00:55:49He double-crossed us.
00:55:51And you too, Preacher.
00:55:53He sneaked out with some of the boys
00:55:55and hightailed it to your place.
00:56:03Let's go.
00:56:59All right, you slipped me.
00:57:01It's my brother's, Fargo, he killed him, he shot him in the back, he fought like cougars
00:57:17protecting Ma and me, right before you came up, Ma's inside, I've never seen her look
00:57:24like that before.
00:57:54Fargo! Fargo!
00:58:01I humbly thank thee, O Lord, for leading me to the murderer of my three sons.
00:58:18From now on, the Bible shall be my only weapon.
00:58:48You're dead, my sons, you're immortal souls before the last and final tribunal.
00:59:08No man on earth can pass judgment on you anymore.
00:59:15But I'm your Pa, and I'll shout it to the world, you died, my sons, forever cleansed
00:59:23of the taint of cowardice.
00:59:29You died brave men, may almighty God have mercy on your souls.
00:59:40The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.
00:59:49May God in infinite mercy, have pity.
00:59:54Miss Hawker, my son and I share your sorrow.
01:00:21Now, wouldn't you care to join us?
01:00:36I ain't proposing to make this a proper highfalutin marriage ceremony.
01:00:41Besides, I ain't sure that I remember exactly how it goes.
01:00:51Everybody here knows I ain't a genuine sky pilot anyways.
01:00:56All I can do then is just ask the Lord to make this union between my beloved daughter,
01:01:03Hannah Hawker, and this young Texican, Texan, excuse me, Lee Bobby.
01:01:12Legal and binding, happy and blessed.
01:01:19Place your hands on the Bible, children.
01:01:23I now pronounce you man and wife, as God almighty is my witness.
01:01:31Till death do you part.
01:01:45Good luck, son.
01:01:56Goodbye all.
01:01:59You are rid of the old preacher now.
