заправление горючим женского танца добычи Музыка: Nicki Minaj - Anaconda Хореография: Tricia Miranda ft. Kaelynn Harris.\r
IDFWU - Choreography by Janelle Ginestra Directed & Edited by Tim Milgram: Featuring Larsen Thompson and Taylor Hatala .\r
Nicki Minajs new album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded is out now! Buy it here: smarturl.it/Pinkfridayexplicit.
IDFWU - Choreography by Janelle Ginestra Directed & Edited by Tim Milgram: Featuring Larsen Thompson and Taylor Hatala .\r
Nicki Minajs new album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded is out now! Buy it here: smarturl.it/Pinkfridayexplicit.
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