• 10 years ago
A young boy remembers a past life "reincarnation" he had where he was murdered. The 3-year old correctly identified the spot he was buried, the village he was from, and the murderer. Is this proof that reincarnation is real?

In a region near the border of Syria known as Golan Heights, a boy says he remembers being murdered. At first, no one believed him.
That is, until he lead village elders to the spot where he remembers being buried. Mixed in with the group of village elders was a man by the name of Dr. Eli Lasch. Dr. Eli Lasch is known in Gaza for developing a government medical system. Lasch witnessed all of these events.

The villagers dug up the spot where the boy says his former corpse remains and sure enough there was as skeleton there. Mysteriously, a large axe mark on the skeleton corresponds to a birth mark on the boys head.

The boy says he was murdered with an axe and then lead village elders to the spot where the murderer buried the weapon. Sure enough, they dug up an axe.

The boy then lead people to the village he was from in his past life and told them of his previous name.

When people of the boy's former home village were asked about a man going by this name...they said he had disappeared 4 years earlier and never returned.

Remember, the boy was three years old.

But strangest of all, the boy recounted exactly who the murderer was.
When the boy confronted his killer, the man's face turned a pale white and he started acting very suspicious.

Once the boy lead elders to the exact spot of his corpse and the murder weapon the killer gave in and admitted to the crime -- for which he ended up being charged with.

Is the boy a product of reincarnation? Are we all perhaps reincarnations of our past lives?
