• il y a 10 ans
On Thursday, March 19th, 2015, more than 1500 restaurants around the world will come together to celebrate French cuisine.
At each participating establishment, the event will pay tribute to a type of cuisine that is not only vibrant, open, and innovative, but also one that stays true to its values: the importance of sharing, enjoyment, eating well, and respecting the planet.
French cuisine is accessible to everyone, from bistro-style cuisine to its signature tables d’exception. It is made from fresh, in-season ingredients, with very little fat, sugar, or salt.

In Canada, 18 restaurants in three provinces are participating in this brand-new event:

Calgary, Alberta:
- Chef's Table, tel : 403-228-4442

La Malbaie, Québec:
- Fairmont Le Manoir, tel : 418-665-8946

Montréal, Québec:
- Europea, Montréal, tel: 514-397-9161
- La Guilde Culinaire, tel : 514-750-6050
- La Palette Gourmande, tel : 514 750 1492
- Laurie Raphaël, Montréal, tel : 514 985-6072
- Les Coudes sur la Table, tel : 514-521-0036
- Les Incorruptibles, tel : 514-381-8088
- Renoir, tel : 514-788-3038

- Fairmont Le Château Frontenac: Le Champlain, tel: 418 691 2139
- Laurie Raphaël, tel: 418-692-4555
- Le Continental, tel: 418-694-9995
- Le 47ème Parallèle, tel: 418-692-4747
- La Fenouillère, tel: 418-653-3886
- Le Saint-Amour, tel: 418 694 0667
- Panache, tel: 418-692-2211
- Toast!, tel: 418-841-1787

Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique:
- Le Crocodile, tel: 604-760-9367


