• il y a 12 ans
Patrice souhaite que tu réalises le clip de son nouveau morceau "Boxes". Il suffit d'aller sur http://www.Genero.tv/Patrice pour écouter la chanson et participer au concours. La date limite pour soumettre ta vidéo est le 4 Novembre 2013 (23:59 GMT). Patrice choisira la meilleure vidéo et en fera le clip officiel de la chanson! Le réalisateur remportera 4,000$.

Here's a few words from Patrice about this project:

Hey, I am really excited about this project because I truly believe that innovation will come from people like you.
With my music I generally try to find a common ground between CLASSIC - TIMELESS elements and the NEW & FRESH. Funny enough I see music in colors and atmospheric imagery. For the "The Rising of the Son" (my new album) the guideline was spring, sunrise - rebirth.
"Boxes" is a song pertaining to this universe. It deals with rigid categorizations and thus comparisons, that don't do living things justice. Yet we are trying to squeeze everything in these boxes for the sake of some sensation of power and control. Unfortunately living things become a lot less alive in the process. My song is about breaking out of the box and COMING BACK ALIVE.
Let's strive for greatness! Oh and... Dare to think outside the box! I can't wait :)

Cliquez ici http://po.st/risingoftheson pour télécharger le nouvel album de patrice "The Rising of the Son"

Twitter https://twitter.com/Patricemusic
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/patriceofficial
Official Website http://www.patrice.net

2013 Supow Music / Because Music


