• 12 years ago
Here is another amazing recording from 1924. Although I posted a vocal version of this song long ago (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x896yx_golden-gate-orchestra-the-flapper-w_music), I could not resist sharing this particularly energetic instrumental arrangement, brilliantly performed by Harry Raderman's Jazz Band (and to which is referring the abovementioned pseudonym). Although almost totally forgotten today, Harry Raderman (1883- 1939), a trombonist known for his ability to make his trombone "laugh" recorded as a member of various Victor stage bands from 1917 throughout the 1920's including Earl Fuller's Famous Jazz Band and Ted Lewis and his Band. He also led Harry Raderman's Jazz Orchestra, Raderman's Novelty Orchestra, Harry Raderman's Orchestra, the Plantation Dance Orchestra, Raderman's Roysteres, and the Red Hotters. Noting the success of the earliest "jass" record on which the Original Dixieland Jass Band musicians imitate various farmyard animals, other musicians created novel sounds on their instruments. Raderman made his trombone laugh. He showcased his laughing trombone in a composition titled "Make That Trombone Laugh".
