Cannes 2013 The Observatory’s annual Cannes workshop
The Observatory’s annual Cannes workshop is looking at the increasingly intimate relationship between the film industry and the myriad of distribution possibilities offered by the Internet. Just how close are the and what are the benefits on the side…?
Best friends with benefits?
Saturday 18th of May, 2013
11:00 – 13:00
Salon des Ambassadeurs, 4th floor, Palais des Festivals
Moderator: Wolfgang Closs
Welcome: Wolfgang Closs, Executive Director, European Audiovisual Observatory
Film and VoD Market trends in Europe
André Lange, Head of the Department for Information on Markets and Financing,
European Audiovisual Observatory (7 minutes)
The promotion of European works through on-demand audiovisual media services:
current state of affairs and sample challenges
Susanne Nikoltchev, Head of the Department for Legal Information,
European Audiovisual Observatory (7 minutes)
The role of the Internet in the marketing of films
Benoît Danard, Head of Research, statistics and prospective at the French CNC
(Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée)
How can the regulators boost the promotion of European films on the new platforms?
Jean-François Furnémont, Director of the Belgian Regulatory Authority, CSA
(Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel)
CASE STUDIES: how to deal with the fragmented VoD market?
moderated by Nils Klevjer Aas, Senior Advisor, research and Policy at the
Norwegian Film Institute
♦ Aviva Silver, Head of the Unit "Creative Europe - MEDIA" in the Directorate General
“Education and Culture” of the European Commission
♦ Dragoslav Zahariev, Secretary General EuroVoD /UniversCiné
♦ Scilla Andreen, Co-Founder and CEO, IndieFlix Inc
♦ Pierre-Alexandre Labelle, Co-Founder, Under the Milky Way
Cannes 2013 The Observatory’s annual Cannes workshop
The Observatory’s annual Cannes workshop is looking at the increasingly intimate relationship between the film industry and the myriad of distribution possibilities offered by the Internet. Just how close are the and what are the benefits on the side…?
Best friends with benefits?
Saturday 18th of May, 2013
11:00 – 13:00
Salon des Ambassadeurs, 4th floor, Palais des Festivals
Moderator: Wolfgang Closs
Welcome: Wolfgang Closs, Executive Director, European Audiovisual Observatory
Film and VoD Market trends in Europe
André Lange, Head of the Department for Information on Markets and Financing,
European Audiovisual Observatory (7 minutes)
The promotion of European works through on-demand audiovisual media services:
current state of affairs and sample challenges
Susanne Nikoltchev, Head of the Department for Legal Information,
European Audiovisual Observatory (7 minutes)
The role of the Internet in the marketing of films
Benoît Danard, Head of Research, statistics and prospective at the French CNC
(Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée)
How can the regulators boost the promotion of European films on the new platforms?
Jean-François Furnémont, Director of the Belgian Regulatory Authority, CSA
(Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel)
CASE STUDIES: how to deal with the fragmented VoD market?
moderated by Nils Klevjer Aas, Senior Advisor, research and Policy at the
Norwegian Film Institute
♦ Aviva Silver, Head of the Unit "Creative Europe - MEDIA" in the Directorate General
“Education and Culture” of the European Commission
♦ Dragoslav Zahariev, Secretary General EuroVoD /UniversCiné
♦ Scilla Andreen, Co-Founder and CEO, IndieFlix Inc
♦ Pierre-Alexandre Labelle, Co-Founder, Under the Milky Way
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